
What does the Propensity to Sell score indicate?

The Prospektr AI bot analyzes every property in the country and assigns a Propensity to Sell score. The score indicates the likelihood of a homeowner selling their property in the next 6 months. The score is in the range of [0 – 100] and higher the score,  higher the chances of the property being sold in the next 6 months. 

We compute the score for each property by considering various factors such as property characteristics, ownership duration, type of ownership, local trends, and market insights. All these factors are fed into an AI algorithm that learns continuously from new transaction data. 

Based on the propensity to sell score we have classified the properties into three categories

1) Hot :  High chance to get this listing back in the market, indicated these in Red color. Scores > 75.
2) Warm :  Moderate chance to get this listed again,  indicated these in yellow color. Scores: 50 – 75
3) Cold :  Less chance to get this property being listed again, indicated these listings in light blue color. Scores < 50

You can view the Hot, Warm, and Cold properties on the map by choosing from the bottom ribbon on the Map View page of Prospektr. 

You can also filter properties by any range of the Propensity Scores.