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NextGen IDX

Features that no other IDX platform will provide you. Not even Zillow

In-depth property research for Buyers & Homeowners.
Research markets, monitor properties and take action.

Nationwide MLS Integration

Prospektr integrates with any MLS nationwide and pull data in near real-time from every MLS. This means your customers will see most up-to-date data on your site within minutes from when an update is made on the MLS.

Empower your clients with more ways to find their homes

Underpriced Homes
Investment Properties with a target return
Most negotiable sellers
and many more to meet your clients' specific needs.

Numerous unique features seamlessly integrated

Claim My Home

IDX users can claim their home similar to that in Zillow / Realtor.com. Homeowners get valuable information about their with your brand.

Investment Calculators

Investors visiting your site can perform deep analysis on properties for rent values, cap rates, 30-year financial projections, and more.

Property Monitoring

When your clients add a property to favorites we track more than just the listing information - occupancy changes, distress, etc.

Your own AVM Value for every property on- / off-market

Engage your clients with deeper information on nearby off-market properties. AVM, Rent values, and Cap Rates on every property.

Try it to believe it !!

Engage your clients with automated marketing campaigns

For Homeowners: Value & Net Equity updates, personalized finance strategies for their mortgage.

For Buyers: New Listings, Automated recommendations, financing opportunities.

CRM for Lead Tracking & Sharing within your team

Track client or website visitor activity in real-time. Lead scoring automates your funnel with auto / manual assignment of leads to across your team.
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