Rental Analytics
Attract Investors:
Repeat Buyers & Sellers
Help your customers navigate real estate investments
Partner with investor-friendly loan officers
Rent Value for every home
Calculated monthly to keep up with local trends
Search Listings by Cap Rates
Find investment opportunities for a target cap-rate
Investment ROI Calculators
Complete financial proforma for any residential property
Share Investment Scenarios
Create and share investment scenarios with customers
Rent Values & Cap Rates for every home
Engage your customers with rent values and analytics
Rents automatically adjust for inflation and local rental trends in your market

Investment Calculators auto-populated with data
Your customers can perform deep investment analysis powered by data
- Tax Assessments and Monthly Taxes
- Home Owners Association Fees
- Local Home Insurance rates
Save & Share Investment Scenarios
Your customers can save investment scenarios and share it with friends and family.
You can recommend investment opportunities with a detailed auto-generated investment analysis.

Search filters for Investors: Find listings by target Cap Rate
Provide the tools for your investor customers.
They can set a cap rate and find listings that best match those targets.
Saved searches with cap-rates automatically alert your customers to new investment opportunities.
All included in your single & simple Fixed Price